人物・グループ /DJ,アーティスト,音広17

DJ SALSA - サルサ(AXCELL / アクセル)



2010年より地元京都でDJ活動を開始。 僅か1年足らずで頭角を現し、数々のNIGHT CLUBでResident DJを歴任することとなる。
その後、自身初となるMIX CDリリース。HIPHOP/R&Bをテーマにした作品「METEOR」は全国で好セールスを記録。
各CD店舗のランキングでも1位を獲得し、その名を轟かせ、各地方のNIGHT CLUBにGUEST DJとして招待される。
2015年には、’’Red Bull Thre3style 2015 Qualifying round’’にて惜しくも敗退するが、 その卓越したスキルでその場の観客全てを魅了した。

常に、「進化」したDJingを求め続けるDJ SALSA。

Started his DJ career in 2010 within his hometown of kyoto, japan.
Less than a year later, he distinguished himself as becoming the the resident DJ for many night club.
Later he than released first mixtape(CD), METEOR, which was based on HIPHOP/R&B.
This mixtape received a great amount of attention around Japan.
Since then, the CD has become No.1 in many store rankings and he has been invited to local club as a guest DJ.

In 2015, he attented to ‘’Red Bull Thre3Style 2015 Qualifying round’’.
Even though he couldn’t make it to the next round, he attracted audience with the prominent skills.
DJ Salsa is always seeking for an evolved DJing.
His aggressiveness will always be needed in any DJ scenes.


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