English follows Japanese.
PlusTokyo (https://plustyo.com/) は、おしゃれな銀座エリアに18年11月オープンしました。
さらに、素晴らしいことには、交渉の末、通常は ¥800以上のドリンクを大幅ディスカウントの¥500で楽しめるMeetupper限定のドリンクリストをご用意します!:)
このイベントの素晴らしいポイントは ......
銀座駅 A13番出口または銀座一丁目駅 の9番出口からでも歩いてすぐです。
7:30pm-10pm: 新しい友達を作ったり、飲んだり、食べたり、ご自由にお楽しみください :)
外国人女性 : ¥500
日本人女性 : ¥500
外国人男性 : ¥500
日本人男性 : ¥1000。
バーエリアで円滑にサービスを提供するため、入口にてファーストドリンク代¥500 をいただきます事をご了承ください。
- 20歳以上の方が対象です。
- 参加者の多くは、20代~30代の方になると思います。
- このイベントスペースは禁煙です。タバコを吸う方は、ルーフの喫煙スペースでお願いします。
PlusTokyo (https://plustyo.com/?lang=en) opened in the fashionable district of Ginza in Nov of '18.
It's Ginza's new concept multifacet playground which mixes art, drink, music, fashion, food & culture in an environment that blends traditional Japan with ultra modern international design.
It's a bar, café, club, restaurant & art gallery mixed into one venue spread over five sections on two floors.
We have access to one of the super fashionable indoor bar sections on the 12th floor.
And it gets even better; while drinks usually start @ ¥800 we've been able to negotiate a heavily discounted ¥500 drinks list just for us Meetuppers! :)
Sounds like the perfect venue for drinks with new & old friends! :)
Our set-up includes ......
- Awesome venue with the works in the heart of Tokyo
- Extensive variety of drinks discounted to ¥500; sparkling, red & white wine, draft beer, gin & tonic, highball, soft drinks & much more ......
- Music to match the desired ambience
- Great opportunity to make friends.
Breakdown of the event :
It's a short walk from exit A13 of Ginza Station and exit 9 of Ginza-Itchome Station
Arriving anytime from 7:30pm works
7:30pm - 10pm : Mingle, chat, make friends, drink, eat, do as you wish :)
Joining fee :
Foreign ladies : ¥500
Japanese ladies : ¥500
Foreign gentlemen : ¥500
Japanese gentlemen : ¥1 000.
Please note : In order to provide smoother service @ the drinks counter ¥500 is collected @ the entrance for your 1st drink.
Who's this event for? Any friend making, new experience, super cool bar/club, drink, food & fun loving individuals.
Notes :
- No under 20's
- They're open until midnight so continue the great time after the event if you'd like
- Most members joining are expected to be in their 20's or 30's
- The event space is non smoking but there's a smoking space conveniently located on the roof.