English follows the Japanese.
- 楽しく独自のスピーキング練習を強化した構成
3:50pm - 3:55pm : 集合時間。虎ノ門駅 1番出口(地上階)で、Meetupサインを持ってお待ちしています。
4pm 以降、直接いらっしゃっても構いません。
4pm - 4:05pm: ドリンクを購入&準備の時間です。種類豊富なドリンクが500円で楽しみ
4:05pm - 4:25pm: 10分の英会話練習の後、10分の日本語会話練習をします。できるだけお互いの練習を助け合いましょう。
4:25pm - 4:30pm: 休憩時間です。お好きにお過ごしください。
4:30pm - 5pm: 15分の日本語会話練習の後、15分の英会話練習をします。できるだけお互いの練習を助け合いましょう。
5pm - 5:05pm: 休憩時間です。お好きにお過ごしください。
5:05pm - 5:35pm: 15分の英会話練習の後、15分の日本語会話練習をします。できるだけお互いの練習を助け合いましょう。
5:35pm - 5:40pm: 休憩時間です。お好きにお過ごしください。
5:40pm - 6pm: 10分の日本語会話練習の後、10分の英会話練習をします。できるだけお互いの練習を助け合いましょう。
外国からの旅行者 : ¥0
日本人女性: ¥500
日本在住の外国人 : ¥500
日本人男性: ¥1000。
Language exchange with a difference; topic based with "8" rounds (4 English/4 日本語) which creates great energy & language practice opportunities and increases the # of fellow members we meet.
More good reasons to join;
- structure that optimizes fun & original speaking practice
- optional fun & interesting topics
- the location; Toranomon is a very convenient station to access
- It's a bar with great ambience and many drinks are reduced to ¥500 for us
- It won't be as noisy as some bars can be as the tables are quite well spread out.
This event is as it says; language exchange - it is THE focus of the event
If you're a tourist interested in culture exchange and/or a friendly environment to speak to Japanese please join us too.
A breakdown of the event;
3:50pm - 3:55pm : Exit 1 - street level - of Toranomon Station.
If you decide to go directly please go anytime from 4pm
4pm - 4:05pm : Get a drink & preparation time. Extensive variety of drinks all @ ¥500
4:05pm - 4:25pm : 10 minutes of English conversation/practice followed by 10 minutes of Japanese conversation/practice. Let's try help each other practice as best we can
4:25pm - 4:30pm : Break time. Do as you'd like
4:30pm - 5pm : 15 minutes of Japanese conversation/practice followed by 15 minutes of English conversation/practice. Let's try help each other practice as best we can
5pm - 5:05pm : Break time. Do as you'd like
5:05pm - 5:35pm : 15 minutes of English conversation/practice followed by 15 minutes of Japanese conversation/practice. Let's try help each other practice as best we can
5:35pm - 5:40pm : Break time. Do as you'd like
5:40pm - 6pm : 10 minutes of Japanese conversation/practice followed by 10 minutes of English conversation/practice. Let's try help each other practice as best we can.
Joining fee :
International tourists : Free
Japanese ladies : ¥500
Japan based internationals : ¥500
Japanese gentlemen : ¥1 000.
Notes :
- This format means you should have at least eight language exchange partners during the event
- All levels of English & Japanese are welcome
- This event is for English & Japanese language exchange only. In future we might try incorporating other languages
- This is a non smoking event. For smokers there's a separate smoking section.